Shares & Stock Market – Volume 4 – Issue 3


“ Acche Din aur Swatch Bharat “. It’s been almost 2 ½ years now for the Modi (NDA) government and we see the sudden winds of changes, sudden actions being taken, decisions being taken by the present government in all the areas with special thrust to infrastructure and rural areas. For the last couple of years before the present government took charge it almost looked like the policy paralysis and in the last few years sudden decisions being taken some harsh and some soft ones, but all keeping in mind the betterment of the people of India. As far the Global events go, the world is entering into more and more changes with the elections in the US and the Fight with the ISIS taking much more aggressive stance. The world events are slowly unfolding and are looking scary too.

The Trips made by our PM across the Globe will certainly pay rich dividends and the foreign investment in all the sectors is likely to open up and will help India in its march towards the Global super Power. In the present article, we cover the following topics.

• Article 1 written by Dharmesh Trivedi is on the course for the Stock market and the investment and this articles covers the one of the highly reputed course of Certified Financial Planner.
• Article 2 written by Dharemsh Trivedi covers the minor and detailed aspects and the usefulness of the Consolidated Accounts Statement introduced by the National Securities Depository limited.
• Article 3 written by Sanjay Thakkar cover the different type of the stock that are existing and it explains lucidly all the finer aspect of the types of Stocks. It also explains how to buy the stocks.
• Article 4 written by Meghna Karnik is on the right time to buy the stock and explains how to beat the market and it explains the rules for buying the stock and if followed correctly can help you to beat the volatility in the market.
• Articles 5 written by Prashant Talpade is focusing the sectors and the indicators to watch out and based on the same what can one expect from the Quarterly results that are going to be published for the sept quarter

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