Shares & Stock Market – Volume 3 – Issue 4


It gives us a great pleasure to present to you one more edition of the E-Magazine of the Shares and Securities. We hope this would give you an insight into the most of the current issues that are prevailing in the world today. If one looks at the last 3 months events of the world one can conclude that everything has happened from the positive events to the negative events. If we were to name a few of the events the same are the Greece Crisis and the fallout of the bailout package, the terrorism at its peak in the form of ISIS, the refuge crisis of Syria, the Deficient rainfall in major parts of India and the floods in some of the countries, the Chinese economy slowdown and the devaluation of the Chinese currency, the Devaluation of the Rupees and the world caught in the sudden currency war and may other important events, the lock jam in the Indian parliament leading to non-passing of several important legislations.

Well not all is on the negative side there are some positive developments in India with the NDA government taking crucial and harsh decisions at the cabinet level and trying to push the bills thru both the houses of parliaments, the Reserve Bank reducing the rate of interest, the inflation (a big animal) under a bit control and the economy trying to keep afloat with some of the key initiatives taken by the Central Governments In this issue we are covering the following articles.

1. Chinese Equity Markets
2. Chinese Yuan Devaluations
3. Interest Rates – Part 1
4. Gold Monetization Scheme
5. Government Securities Market in India
6. Through the mind of the Prudent Investor

All the above topics are current and are very lucidly written and you will get a good insight. Wishing you all a very happy experience in this issue. To end we can only say that β€œlet Sanity and peace Prevail in the Mindset of the people in this difficult times.”

2 thoughts on “Shares & Stock Market – Volume 3 – Issue 4

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